Nursing and Midwifery Registration Procedures

We have compiled a page for all the requirements, documents, attestations, and experience needed for all of your fields. Now you can tally your needed requirements according to your area of specialization.

These requirements are as published by the Federal Department of Nursing, Ministry of United Arab Emirates. (FDON MOH)

Do let us know your views about this one-page bundle of all of the requirements needed for all levels of nurses to work, in the Ministry of Health, UAE. This means if you are a student nurse or a qualified experienced nurse or midwife from India, Pakistan, Iraq or any of the countries. This one page is for you.

General Registration Information

Registration requirements are met when a nurse and midwife meet the applicable eligibility requirements

  • Submits the Nursing Registration Application to the Federal Department of Nursing, MOH (FDON, MOH) with all required documents
  • passes MOH nursing exam or meets the “exemption from examination “criteria
  • pays the fee [fifty (50) Dhs only] where applicable
  • and all required verification have been received
  • reviewed to meet the standard and criteria of the Federal Department of Nursing (FDON moh).

This applies to the governmental and private sectors.

Be inspired by the success story of a Kerala nurse moving to Dubai

Eligibility criteria for MOH Exam Nurses

Academic achievement: All Expatriate applicants who graduated from foreign Nursing programs must have graduated with minimal attainment of sixty per cent (60%) of total marks.
Nursing experience: All Expatriate applicants must have had at least one thousand (1000) hours of experience within three (3) years before applying for registration in the UAE.
Midwifery experience: All Expatriate applicants must have had at least one year of experience within the three (3) years before applying for registration in the UAE.

Registration Criteria for Nursing Specialties

Registered Nurse (RN):

Applicant should have at least a three (3) year diploma in nursing with a minimal attainment of sixty per cent (60%) of total marks and after twelve (12) years of secondary school education.

See also  Nursing Exam Guide MoH, HAAD, Dubai UAE

Practical Nurse (PN):

Applicant should have one of the following:

  1. A diploma in nursing of eighteen (18) months with minimal attainment of (60%) of total marks after a12 years of secondary school education
  2. A three (3) year diploma in nursing with minimal attainment of sixty per cent(60%) of total marks after intermediate education.

Registered Midwife (RM)

Applicant should have one of the following

  1. Twelve (12) secondary school education and eighteen (18) months of qualification of midwifery after a three-year nursing program, with minimal attainment of sixty per cent (60%) of total marks.
  2. Twelve (12) secondary school education and at least a three (3) year diploma in midwifery with minimal attainment of sixty per cent (60%) of total marks.

Practical Midwife (PM)

Twelve (12) secondary school education and diploma in midwifery of two (2) years duration with minimal attainment of sixty per cent (60%) of total marks.

Required Documents

The originals or certified copies of each of the following

Nursing Requirement list

  1. Passport including a valid UAE residence visa or other proof of legal stay in the UAE.
  2. Statutory evidence of any name change (marriage license, other legal document).
  3. School leaving Certificate (Highest level attained before entry to nursing or midwifery Education).
  4. Nursing or Midwifery Education Certificate / Diploma / Degree- (length of education and academic achievement must be verified by means of official transcript if not clearly specified on Certificate / Diploma / Degree).
  5.  Nursing/Midwifery Licensure or Registration showing current validity

Nursing, Midwifery Registration MOH Examinations

The nursing and midwifery examination is held regularly during each year. A score of 60% is required to pass the two hours and a half (2 1/2) written examination of 100 multiple-choice questions.

Completion of Registration Requirements

Forms known as verifications (Verification of Education; Verification of license; Reference inquiry) will be made available to those who PASS the nursing examination or meet the exemption from examination criteria. The applicant mails the verification directly to the FDON.

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The registration application is not complete until the FDON receives these verifications. The verifications must be received directly from the source only as stated clearly on each verification and must meet the standards and quality criteria set by the FDON.

If the applicant meets the exemption from examination criteria; the verifications needed to complete registration will be given at the completion of the review of the application.

Repeated Examination Attempts

An applicant not obtaining a passing score on the first attempt is allowed to sit the written examination twice more for a total of three times.

Nurses will be charged for each examination for which they register. No refunds are made by the MOH for non-attendance or for any other reason.

Applicants will be required to prove they meet all eligibility requirements at the time they apply to retake the registration examination.

Examination Exemption Conditions

UAE Nationals and Graduates of Institutes of Nursing are exempted from the examination.

In addition, Registered Nurses or Registered Midwives holding current valid nursing registration /licensure in certain countries as well as all nurses holding a Master’s Degree in Nursing are exempted from the nursing examination if they have been actively employed in the field of nursing/midwifery in a clinical setting, nursing administration or nursing education for at least 1000 hours within the three years before application for registration in the UAE.

This applies only to Registered Nurses or Midwives and not to Practical Nurses or Midwives. Those exempted from the written exam must meet all other criteria for registration.

NCLEX stands for National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses. If you are looking forward to preparing for the NCLEX Exam soon you can take help from the KHAN Academy NCLEX Competition.

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